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Botany Bay lies at the foot of the South Downs and is a small but biodiverse conservation site. It has an area of ancient woodland, a chalk ghyll stream leading to a small lake, some still ponds and a wildflower meadow. It is privately owned and managed by a Community Interest Group.

From the 1970s part of the site was used as a trout farm; the stream was widened and diverted into new ponds which were dug into the surrounding clay. Since 2014 the South Downs National Park Authority, Sussex Wildlife Trust, the Wild Trout Trust and the Portsmouth Services Fly Fishing Association have been working with us to restore the wetland.

The site is now used by junior and secondary school groups, university students and wildlife enthusiasts. Botany Bay is also a quiet place for creative work and reflection. We welcome small groups of visitors. Use the menu to find out more.
Annie Dennig
Annie Dennig: co-owner and secretary